Weekly Reflection

Sixth Sunday of Easter – May 10, 2015

Today, in the first reading, we hear one of the most important teachings that we will ever learn, and that St. Peter needed to learn. God doesn’t have favorites. Everyone who does what is right is acceptable to God. There are no barriers, no dividing lines that separate us from one another. Not race, not color, not creed. In Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord tells us that not even enemies are to be treated differently. Love your enemies, He tells us, and do good to those who treat you badly. This teaching can be seen in practice on every page of the Gospels, where Jesus is confronted by His opponents. He treats them all with fairness, openness and honesty. This fair dealing with difficult people is love in action. At the Last Supper Jesus gives us the commandment to “love one another, as I have loved you.” For love is not a feeling. It is a response to God’s loving us first, and a grace of Christ to love others. The love of God for us inspires us to love others and to make no exceptions.

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Fifth Sunday of Easter – May 3, 2015

The Church is essential to our faith. We cannot say, as some do, that we want Jesus but not the Church. In the Creed we affirm our belief in Jesus Christ and also in “one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” The institutional Church is a key part of our faith, but there is always the danger of just going through the motions and dying on the vine. How can we produce the fruit that will show that Christ’s Church is alive and well? We do not need to be mystics like some of the great saints, but to make sure our practice of the faith, whether it is going to Mass or saying our prayers, is firmly based on a close personal relationship with Jesus. We don’t at first have to do anything but rather to be at peace in His presence, to allow Him to dwell in us. Then we can share a deep communion with Him as we receive His body and blood in the Eucharist. If we change the image from sap, we could say that His real presence in His blood gives us new life. If we do have this close relationship of the branch to the “true vine,” then it will produce good fruits especially in the way we love God and one another.

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Good Shepherd Sunday – April 26, 2015

Laying down His life for the sheep is the manner in which the Lord shows how much He loves us. To be the good shepherd is not in any way a simple or foolish thing. To be the good shepherd demands a lot of discipline and an awful lot of patience and perseverance. The patience comes into play when the good shepherd has to watch patiently when the sheep are slow to follow instructions, no matter how simple they may be. The perseverance is in recognizing that the sheep need care and attention, day in and day out. The Lord is truly our good shepherd. Can we really appreciate what the Lord does for us?

We are the Lord’s beloved flock. We can sit with that image and enjoy knowing that the Lord is keeping a protective watch over us. However, the Church is asking something more from us today. The Church is asking us to pray especially for vocations to the priesthood. Let us pray for the people who have given their lives to follow this vocation: the priests, the deacons. Our prayer for them can simply be a prayer of thanksgiving, thanking God for their dedication and service. Let us pray, too, for ourselves as a parish community. Let our prayer be that we will always be ready to hear the quiet voice of the Lord, the good shepherd, and follow Him. Praying for vocations is a good idea and holy thing to do.

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Third Sunday of Easter – April 19, 2015

The French writer Charles Peguy once said: “The sinner is at the very heart of Christianity. No one understands so well as the sinner what Christianity is about – no one unless it be the saint.” We can understand the position of the saint but may wonder how ordinary, sinful people like ourselves can be said to be at the heart of Christianity. But the readings we’ve heard today may enable us to see things differently. We are sinners whom the risen Lord has looked upon. His look of love and mercy rested upon us when we were baptized; it rests upon us whenever we seek Him in the sacrament of reconciliation; and rests upon us again each time we celebrate the Eucharist. It’s the certainty of forgiveness, fruit of the resurrection, that fills us with the joy of the Gospel.

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Low Sunday – April 12, 2015

The apostle was a complex and unique personality. That uniqueness may explain why Jesus chose him in the first place. It is probably that our Lord was determined to use personality for our education. Who knows? Perhaps Mr. Edison learned in the course of his long life the wisdom of RB Graham. “It takes more faith to be an atheist than it does to believe in God.” There are but 3 informative references to Thomas in the New Testament. Perhaps John the Eagle concluded that the neglect of Thomas in earlier accounts did a serious injustice to Thomas himself and to Catholics at large. Thomas is pessimistic, stubborn as that famous mule, and subject to the all too common line that teaches seeing is believing. Someone has noted Thomas had a question mark for a mind. This complicated psyche is graphically illustrated in the 16th century Caravaggio painting of Thomas placing his finger into Christ’s wound. We know the Gospel story and especially its happy ending. Thomas would never forget that searing line of his resurrected Leader, “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe!” The doubting Thomas had received a lecture on faith that he would never forget. It is a message which Edison never learned. Thomas the apostle had told his fellows that seeing is believing. Christ thought the apostle that believing is seeing.

The Gospels tells us Thomas had a twin. Who is his twin? It is you and I. William Bausch tells us that we are all a mixture of doubt and certainty, pessimism and trust, unbelief and belief. On those days, when doubt, pessimism, and unbelief hold the cards, we must hold onto Thomas’ cloak and not let go for dear life. As we leave this Liturgy, we should say a prayer in gratitude for such a person as the apostle Thomas. But in addition each one of us will want to reflect on the aphorism that teaches that it is not sufficient for Catholics to believe their faith. They must tell others about it. “Our lives end the day,” said Martin Luther King Jr., “that we become silent about things that matter.”

Low Sunday – April 12, 2015 Read More »

Resurrection Sunday – April 5, 2015

Mary Magdalene believed that she had lost everything when Jesus died. John’s Gospel tells us that, when Jesus died on Calvary, Mary Magdalene stood at the foot of the cross with Mary, the mother of Jesus and John, the beloved disciple, as the dying Jesus entrusted His mother and John to each other. She witnessed at first hand the brutal death on the cross of one that she loved so much. We don’t know why it was that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb alone on Easter Sunday morning. Was it that she and the other women had agreed to meet there? Did she, perhaps, want to spare Jesus’ mother the agony of seeing her son’s body before it was completely prepared for burial? On the day of His death, those preparations had been interrupted by the onset of the sabbath. Mary’s journey was solitary also risky. Guards protected the tomb lest any of Jesus’ disciples tried to remove His body. They were rough men; and she was a solitary woman. In those days, as now, in so many places, a woman had little status. Mary Magdalene was the first witness of the resurrection. Yet her unexpected news, so beyond the imagining of any of the apostles, had less credibility in the society of her day precisely because it was reported by a woman. Peter and John wanted to verify her story for themselves. It was only when they entered the tomb of Jesus that they realized the truth of the resurrection.

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Holy Saturday – April 4, 2015

From an ancient homily of Holy Saturday:

Something strange is happening – there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. He whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled because God has fallen asleep in the flesh and He has raised up all who have slept ever since the world began. God has died in the flesh and hell trembles with fear. He has gone to search for our first parent, as for a lost sleep. Greatly desired to visit those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death, He has gone to free from sorrow the captives Adam and Eve, He who is both God and the son of Eve. (…)

For your sake I, your God, became your son; I, the Lord, took the form of a slave; I, whose home is above the heavens, descended to the earth and beneath the earth. (…) See on My face the spittle I received in order to restore to you the life I once breathed into you. On My back see the marks of scourging I endured the burden of sin that weighs upon your back. See My hands, nailed firmly to a tree, for you who once wickedly stretched out your hand to a tree. I slept on the cross and a sword pierced My side for you who slept in paradise and brought forth Eve from your side. (…)

Rise, let us leave this place. I will not restore you to that paradise, but I will enthrone you in heaven. The kingdom of heaven has been prepared for you from all eternity.

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Good Friday – April 3, 2015

St. John’s account of the final events leading to Jesus’ death begins in the garden where Jesus is arrested. It is a place where Jesus often gathered with His disciples. From a setting of peace and tranquility it becomes a place of betrayal, confusion and violence. The narrative ends in another garden, now one of sadness, where the dead body of Jesus is laid in a new tomb.

At the beginning of his Gospel, St. John repeats the opening words of Genesis, “in the beginning.” It is as if, in painting these gardens into the canvas of his picture of Jesus’ betrayal, suffering and death, he takes us back to the origins of sin. Whereas the first man and woman in the garden of Eden chose to do what they knew was wrong and thereby lost control of their God-given gift of free will, Jesus gave himself totally to the will of His Father and remained steadfast to the end.

Good Friday – April 3, 2015 Read More »

Holy Thursday – April 2, 2015

Jesus Christ takes all elements of our human nature and raises them up to communicate His divine life to us. At the foot-washing, the apostles immediately see that Jesus is taking on the role of a servant. There is also something very intimate about washing the feet of someone else. But as well as that meaning, is there a deeper meaning that Peter doesn’t see? It seems so, as Jesus says, “At the moment you do not know what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Jesus as the great, eternal high priest, is about to enter into the liturgy of His own passion and death. This is the ultimate and eternal sacrifice. He wishes to initiate His apostles into this great high-priestly action.

Of course, all of us are washed by Christ in the sacrament of baptism. By that washing we receive the Holy Spirit and the gifts of faith, hope and charity. We also receive a share, a part, in the offices of Christ as priest, prophet and king. Other Gospels concentrate on the gift of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, and John’s Gospel complements their accounts with this emphasis on the ritual preparation of the apostles, by Jesus using a gesture from the religious ritual of the time. So these two great sacraments, the Eucharist and Holy Orders, are celebrated tonight. As we meditate upon these two great gifts to the Church on this holy night, we can be full of gratitude to God. We can see how close God is to us, and how, in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus again hands himself over to sinful humanity.

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Palm Sunday – “B” – March 29, 2015

As we read the account of the passion of Jesus from St. Mark’s Gospel today, we move with Jesus through the events of that first Holy Week. Against the background of plotting betrayal, Jesus accepts the loving tenderness of one who prophetically anoints Him in preparation for His burial. He shares His last Passover meal with the disciples, again prophetically acting out His approaching death in the sacrament of His body and blood, and, in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus goes through an agony of anticipation, freely accepting the will of His Father, which lead to His arrest and condemnation.

How can we effectively take part in the commemoration of the passion and death of the Lord this week? If we truly to experience the transforming power of the resurrection when we celebrate Easter next Sunday, we’re called to take part as fully as we can in the liturgical actions of this week, reminding ourselves that we are all called to be disciples, to take up our cross and follow Jesus.

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