Baptism of the Lord (“B”) – January 7, 2018
The journey to sainthood begins with baptism. When we begin our prayers, we recall our baptism by making the sign of the cross. When we enter a church, we remember our baptism by dipping our fingers in the holy water and blessing ourselves. God’s grace begins to strengthen us in a new way from this time onwards.
Just as the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at His baptism, so baptism for each and every person is the gateway to life in the Spirit. We rejoice that we are the beloved of the Lord. Each of us shares in this wonderful title and wears the white garment of baptism. Baptism with water marks our birth into the Church as members of the body of Christ. We become adopted sons and daughters of God whose favor rests upon us. Baptism is also the beginning of the entry into eternal life. On the last day, we will find happiness in the presence of God and every tear will be wiped away to those who deserve it.
At the beginning of this year, it would be good to find out more about our baptism… This year offers a new opportunity to deepen life in the Holy Spirit by becoming more attentive to God’s word in prayer. You can focusing on the Sunday readings and allowing them into your hearts. What would happen if you looked at the Bible as many times as you check for new messages, emails or postings on social media? God desires to speak unto your heart. Are you ready to listen?
Baptism of the Lord (“B”) – January 7, 2018 Read More »