Holy Family (C) – January 3, 2016

What are our values? We may well need them in this Christmas period. Many families have a wonderful time at Christmas. Different generations can get on each others nerves. It is then that Christ’s values can keep a family together. St. John, in our second reading today, reminds us of the love that God our Father has “lavished upon us”, and calls us to put into practice the commandments that Jesus gave us, to “love one another as He told us to.” If we live out that love in our domestic lives, we will truly be happy and holy families. So much depends on what values the family live out. For Christians, family life is holy only when it embodies the values for which Christ lived and died. When we have these values we can happily celebrate at Christmas dinner – and when put them into practice when the mood changes and the party is over.

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Humble Shepherds (C) – December 27, 2015

Today as we recall how the shepherds and our ancestors in the faith were looked down upon, we should remember to always treat others with love and respect. This solemnity should be an encouragement to the poor, the humble and the lowly today, knowing that God cares for them and may be using them in a special way.

During the Holy Mass on this day we pray for our Prime Bishop, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Seminarians. We also pray for sacred vocations to the Holy Priesthood, that those men whom God has called may answer His call and serve His people as shepherds. At a General Synod a motion was made and passed that a special offering be taken on the Solemnity of Humble Shepherds for Savonarola Theological Seminary, the seminary of the Polish National Catholic Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

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Christmas (C) – December 25, 2015

In the beginning”: that’s how it starts. In the Bible there are lots of words to describe Jesus from the heavenly angle, like “wisdom”, or “image”, or “radiance”. But the most important one is “word”. Jesus is the Word of God. At Christmas, we see this Word of God as a tiny baby in the straw. To this baby, Mary and Joseph will give the name of Jesus. Yet He will always continue to be the Son of God. This tiny person is eternal.

Our response is simply one of adoration. When we behold the Christ child in the arms of Mary, or on the cross for that matter, we behold the fathomless Son of God. He has taken flesh for our sake. Thank you, Lord, more than we ever say. “To all who did accept Him He gave power to become children of God.” Dear Lord, may we always deserve that title.

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Mass of the Shepherds/Pasterka (C) – December 24, 2015

If we listen to the Gospel with an open mind, Sunday by Sunday, it frequently gives us a jolt. The values lived and taught by Jesus are a long way from the values of 21st century secular Britain. He was born and grew up with none of our comfort and security. He had no material expectations. While He was still a baby, St. Matthew tells us, He was within a hair’s breadth of being slaughtered by a dissolute and pleasure-crazed king. He and His family became emigrants in Egypt. Life was precarious, and there was no insurance, no health service, no social security. Out of this background emerges the one who will save the world, give it hope again. We look at those small hands and reflect: those hands will one day be pierced by nails. We look at those tiny feet and reflect: those feet will carry the risen Lord out of the tomb. We look at the baby’s face, and reflect: this is the face that one Easter morning will delight Mary Magdalene beyond words, and send her running at top to the city to tell the apostles, “I have seen the Lord!” News of great joy, to be shared by the whole people. A very happy Christmas!

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Fourth Sunday of Advent (C) – December 20, 2015

Parents often make a great effort to find a particular present that their child wants for Christmas. It doesn’t seem ridiculous for the parents, if it is done out of love for their child. The gift in time may be forgotten, abandoned at the back of a cupboard, but the love shown in the gift will never be lost. If the parents cannot find the special present then the child may be disappointed, but the disappointment will not last for ever. The promise parents make to a child doesn’t depend on providing that special present, but upon doing their best for their child by constantly loving the child. This is the greatest gift a child can be given, and without this all other gifts are empty signs.

God our Father is the loving parent who never withdraws His love from us. If we turn away from God’s love, we look for things to replace that love. We search for other presents, other presences, which we think will bring us the joy we long for. We become like a child who mistakes a Christmas present for the love expressed in the present. A child will grow in maturity be recognizing that the most important thing is not the present, but the love of the giver. As children of God, human beings had turned away from God’s love and sought other things to replace that love. Like Mary we are invited to welcome this gift that prevent us from saying yes to God’s gift, those things with which we try to replace God’s love.

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Third Sunday of Advent (C) – December 13, 2015

The readings today proclaim joy in the near presence of God. Yet each is set against a background that militates against joyful expectation. The book of Zephaniah was written in the 7th BC at a time when Israel was surrounded by hostile nations. The call to rejoice because the Lord is in the midst of His people is almost unexpected, as it is in contrast with everything preceding it. St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians was written when he was in prison because of his missionary work. In Philippi he had established his first European church and he called the community there “my joy and my crown”. Though he is imprisoned and facing the possibility of execution, joy and peace are prominent in the latter, culminating in St. Paul’s wish for their happiness in the Lord and for the peace of God that is beyond our comprehension while on earth. When John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness and called the people to prepare a way for the Lord, and to a baptism of repentance, they were under Roman occupation with a Roman procurator and a Jewish subordinate ruler, Herod. The tax collectors had bought their positions from the Roman authorities. The soldiers gave armed protection to the tax collectors. They were in need of some protection for they were hated by both Jews and Gentiles alike, not least because many abused their authority. The people are attracted to John and his message. They go to him for baptism, and all, tax collectors and soldiers included, ask what they must do. He answers that they must act justly towards others.

From readings we see John the Baptist, Paul and Zephaniah dispelled oppressing darkness with the light that shone from God’s nearness. The Christmas trees with their glimmering candles and other decorations, which now illumine the period leading to the celebration of our Savior’s birth, can be seen as symbolizing that same light of that same light of God’s near presence among us. May we never forget that the Lord is in our midst. Christ, the Morning Star, will dispel our darkness.

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Second Sunday of Advent (C) – December 6, 2015

The name “Baruch” heads the book from which today’s reading is taken, and there is a reasonably well-known Baruch in the Old Testament – the secretary to the prophet Jeremiah. It’s highly unlikely, however, that this Baruch wrote all of this very short book. Perhaps this Baruch wrote part of the book, but it looks as if today’s first reading came from a different source. Today’s passage shows every sign of having been written a considerable time after the exile, because the author refers to, but doesn’t directly quote, a famous passage from the part of the book of Isaiah that was written towards the end of the Israelites’ time in exile. This is, of course, the passage applied to John the Baptist in today’s Gospel.

The beauty of prophetic, poetic images in the Bible is that they allow us to apply our own understanding of what they mean to our lives. It would be unhelpful to offer a detailed list of all the ways in which we could apply the references to mountains and valleys in our lives. Those mountains of Baruch, Isaiah and John the Baptist could represent anything that blocks our awareness of God in our lives. We have to identify these for ourselves. Likewise, the valleys might represent the gulf that exists either between ourselves and God, or between ourselves and other people. Mountains and valleys might be a good way of expressing what we need to get rid of, if we are to love God with all our energy, and our neighbors as ourselves.

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First Sunday of Advent (C) – November 29, 2015

Some people come to church to get away from the hectic and disturbing aspects of life. They like that. Some people complain that church is unreal since it bears no resemblance to the life they lead. They don;t like that. What is the truth? Is what we do during the celebration of the liturgy an escape from the realities of life? In reflecting on the season of Advent, we have the means for seeing that the liturgy is real, that it reflects life as it is, but the liturgy is also an ideal since it gives a direction and purpose to life.

One of the aspects of life is that we are constantly looking to the future. It begins early when adults insists on asking a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”It continues during school years. Most people look forward to marriage, to having children, to advancing at work, to retirement, and then to that which youth seems uncertain and distant, old age and death. Looking to the future is a part of life. It does so in two ways, first by being attentive to an uncertain, and seemingly distant future when Christ will come again to our world to bring His kingdom to perfection. Secondly Advent looks to the future by preparing to celebrate on December 25 the birth of Christ. The two part are not related. About Christ’s second coming we have sure hope because we accept His first coming with firm faith. What God promised was fulfilled in the first coming of Christ and what God still promises will be fulfilled in the second coming of Christ. One promise fulfilled is a pledge of a promise yet to be fulfilled.

God taught His people through the prophets to hope for salvation despite their sinfulness. In fulfillment of God’s will, the Son gave himself up to death, but by rising from the dead He destroyed death and restored life. Hoping for a bright future is a real part of life, and it is of the essence of the season of Advent.

First Sunday of Advent (C) – November 29, 2015 Read More »