Annual Meeting Held

The Pariah’s 2014 Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, February 2, 2014. Fr. Robert delivered his annual report. A new parish committee was elected at the meeting:

  • Chairman: Mr. Charles Chiao Jr.
  • Vice-Chairman: Mr. John Plaxa
  • Recording Secretary: Mrs. Sandra Elsavage
  • Financial Secretary: Mrs. Betty Brazausky
  • Treasurer: Mr. James Abicunas
  • Directors: Mrs. Carolyn Boychak, Mrs. Sharon Chiao, Mrs. Florence Bulcavage, Mrs. Elaine Antalosky, Mr. John Golba
  • Tribunal: Mrs. Jean Keim, Mrs. Joanne Plaxa, Father Robert Plichta.
  • Honorary Chairman: James Chistakoff

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Solemnity – Humble Shepherds – “A” – December 29, 2013

Most people in America are familiar with this passage, even though they rarely crack open a Bible. Let’s start looking at the most obvious feature of the story. Who does God announce the birth of His Son to? Who does He invite to come and see the new Baby? A collection of sheep herders! There is only one announcement of Christ’s birth recorded in the Scriptures, only one invitation from God to anyone to come visit Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus. And that one invitation goes to a bunch of uneducated, smelly, low-class, social and religious outcasts, a bunch of shepherds.

Shepherds were the last people you’d expect God to take notice of. First of all, they were religious outcasts. According to the Jewish religious law, these men were unclean. Their line of work prevented them from participating in the feasts and holy days that made up the Jewish religious calendar. Why? Somebody had to watch the sheep. When everyone else was making the trip to Jerusalem to make sacrifices at the temple, or to participate in one of the annual feasts, they were out in the fields, watching over the sheep. A modern day example might be a trucker or a shift worker, whose job keeps them from regularly attending church. It wasn’t really their fault. Not only that but shepherds were boardline social outcasts. Since they were constantly on the move to find new pasture for their flocks, they were looked on with suspicion. Kind of the way people today might look at gypsies or carnival workers. They were often accused of being thieves. If something came up missing – it must have been those shepherds. They were not permitted to give testimony in a legal proceedings, because their word wasn’t considered trustworthy. And on top of all that, they really didn’t have much contact with other people. They didn’t come home at night. They were with the sheep 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A good shepherd could identify each one of his sheep by sight. He knew his sheep and they knew him.

Now imagine you’re God and you want to announce the most amazing, incredible, joyous news ever; an event which will literarlly change the course of history – the birth of your only Son, Jesus Christ. The birth of the One who will be the Savior of the whole world. Finally He has come! Who do you announce it to? Who do you tell? Who do you invite to come and see? The point is that you would expect an event like the birth of Christ to be announced to the most important people in the nation. Political leaders – kings, governors. Religious leaders – priests, rabbis, other officials. Wealthy merchants. Men and women of distinction. The news media. But none of them got the word. None of them were invited. Only these few poor, shepherds, these social and religious outcasts, received the announcement. So why? Why did God do this? Why did He send His angels to announce the birth of Christ to these shepherds to come and see the Child? Several possible answers have been proposed, such as the fact that Jesus Himself is later called the Good Shepherd, caring for us as His flock. But I prefer a simpler explanation. God wanted to show that His love does not discriminate on the basis of class, or wealth, or social standing. He does not respect kings and princes more than hourly laborers, He does not value priests and pastors above the people in the pews. God does not show favoritism; He does not give preferential treatment to one group of people over another. His love is available to all on the same basis – faith in Jesus Christ, and faith alone. God was demonstrating, by His choice of these humble shepherds to be the first to receive the news of Christ’s birth, that Jesus was not going to be the Savior of only the political and social and religious elite. Jesus was not going to be the Savior only for kings and governors, or popes and priests. Jesus is the Savior of all equally; He doesn’t give preference to any group or any class. Nor does He discriminate on the basis of intelligence, or education, or wealth, or profession, or political power, or social standing, or any of the other qualities that human beings judge by. His love is offered indiscriminately to anyone who will repent and believe, anyone who will trust in Him as Savior.

What does it mean to us? If you identify with the shepherds, it should be very encouraging. I imagine that many nights, as the shepherds sat out in those cold, lonely fields, with nothing but animals to keep them company, they looked over at the village, saw the lights of the homes and heard the faint sound of families, people laughing, and wished they could be a part of that. Maybe you’ve felt that way too. But I have a great news! The best news possible! God loves you! Just like He loved those shepherds. And you are special to Him. Just like those shepherds were special to Him, so special that He gave them the incredible privilege of being the first to hear of Christ’s birth, being the first people other than Joseph and Mary to layeyes on the Son of God, being the first to tell others about Chirst. When they heard the news, they didn’t seek out the religious professionals for a second opinion. They simply accepted what the angels told them. Will you do that today? God didn’t send an angel to give you the news, but He did send me and He did give you His word the Bible. God is inviting you today, just like He invited the shepherds. Will you receive His love? Will you acknowledge your need of forgiveness and put your trust in Jesus Christ for salvation? Understand that you are accepted before God on the same basis as anyone else – not because of anything you are, or anything you have done, but only because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who gave His life and suffered the penalty for your sin so that you could have eternal life and receive forgivensee. Humble yourself before God, so that He doesn’t have to do it for you. Let us do the same, especially at this time of the year, for the sake of all the others who are still waiting to hear the good news.

Solemnity – Humble Shepherds – “A” – December 29, 2013 Read More »

Schedule of Services During the Christmas Season

December 24, 2013 – January 1, 2014

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013 – CHRISTMAS EVE

10:00PM – Mass of the Shepherds (Pasterka), and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Wednesday, December 25th, 2013 – NATIVITY OF OUR LORD

9:30AM, Holy Mass in Shenandoah
11:00AM, Holy Mass in Frackville

Thursday, December 26th, 2013 – Feast – St. Stephen, Proto-Martyr

10:00AM, Holy Mass in Frackville

Friday, December 27th, 2013 – Feast – St. John, Apostle & Evangelist

5:00PM, Holy Mass in Frackville

Saturday, December 28th, 2013 – Holy Innocents

10:00AM, Holy Mass in Frackville

Sunday, December 29th, 2013 – Solemnity: Humble Shepherds

8:45AM, Holy Mass in Frackville
11:00AM, Holy Mass in Shenandoah

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 – New Year’s Eve

9:00AM, Holy Mass in Shenandoah

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 – Solemnity – Circumcision of our Lord

10:00AM, Holy Mass in Frackville

The blessing of homes will take place after the Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. It will be an occasion for Fr. Robert to meet Parishioners, pray together and discuss the important aspects of their lives and of the Parish.

The Annual Parish Meeting of St. John the Baptist Parish will be held on Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 immediately after 11:15AM Mass. Please attend the Annual Parish Meeting in order to discuss the important aspects and projects of our Parish. Thank You.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – 2014!

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Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “C” – Heritage Sunday – October 20, 2013

The Polish-American Credo

I am a Polish-American

In my veins flows the blood of patriots, kings, scholars, scientists, and courages peasants. I am the descendant of Nicholas Copernicus reaching for the stars, Madame Marie Skłodowska Curie unreveling the mysteries of nature and Ignacy Jan Paderewski uplifting the soul of man.

Yes, I am a Polish-American

My heart beats with a love for my ancestral homeland and for my country, this young United States of America. When tyranny of depotism has threatened, I have always been the first to resist.

I was with Jan III Sobieski lifting the siege of Vienna, Austria, Kazimierz Pułaski in Savannah, Tadeusz Kościuszko at West Point and the RAF over Channel skies in Britain. I am a poet like Adam Mickiewicz and a musician like Fryderyk Chopin.

In the Polish tradition of friendship, freedom and fidelity, I stand in solidarity with all who pursue the paths to peace, justice and human dignity.

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Solemnity of the Christian Family – October 6, 2013

Today we consider the family. We are inclined to just dismiss the possibility that our families can be like the Holy Family. We forget that Jesus’ family was holy because they lived united to God.

Being a holy Christian family means being a family separate for the Lord. To be holy means to be set distinct from all that is not holy. So for our families to be holy we have to choose that which is often contrary to the choices made by other families. For example, we keep immoral material, shows, etc. out of our houses because we ask God to dwell there. At the same time we, actually you, have to be very careful of where your children are visiting or staying overnight because other families might allow immorality into their homes, or, simply, not supervise their own children. This could earn you a lot of criticism.

Being a holy christian family demands that our homes be places of prayer. The Church, at least in our country, is still suffering from the misconception that worship takes place only on Sundays and in the churches and that religious instruction is the exclusive realm of parish programs. This is all wrong. We come to Church on Sundays to be united to Christ in Word and Sacrament so that we can strengthen the union that takes place in our home. Some families do this through the family rosary. Others have family prayer at bedtime. Most make it a point to have family prayer before meals.

When you send your children to religious education for the basic outline of what you need to communicate to your children every day. Parents, not parishes, are the first teachers of their children in the ways of the faith. Some parents hold themselves back in this area because they feel unworthy to teach their children about God. They forget, God makes them worthy. Just as your authority as moms and dads gives you the grace to impart God’s blessing on your children, and many of you do this every night, so also your authority as moms and dads gives you the grace to impart God’s knowledge to your children. You do not have to be theologians to teach faith. You just need to be united to God. Many of you have raised your children. Some of these now have their own families. You are the matriarchs and patriarchs. You still need to point your children and grandchildren to the Lord. You can no longer determine what they are exposed to in their homes, but you can and must give them the example of union with God. Your children and your grandchildren still look to you to be holy christian family.

Many of you are married but do not have children, others of us are called to the single life. We must center our spirituality in our homes. If we are united to God in our homes, we will not be hypocrites when we fulfill the call of evangelization, bringing His Presence to all aropund us. Whether there are children at home or not, the center of our spiritual life must be our homes. That is why we need to give God our day when we wake up, morning prayer, and thank Him for our day when we go to bed, night prayer. We need to keep our minds pure so we can speak to the Lord all day. The heart of our parish is not the church. The heart of the universal church is not the Vatican or Scranton. The heart of the church is the family. We pray today, that all our families might be holy families.

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