
Parish Property Beautification Spring & Summer 2004

Over the past few months there has been a lot of time and effort put into the project of maintaining and improving the appearance of our church, rectory and grounds. Special thanks to Father Robert and Joanna, Betty Brazausky, Robert Touchinsky, Louise Gursky, Edward Bulcavage, John Golba, Mary Ann Hoppes, Stan & Florence Bulcavage, Paul Elsavage and Fred & Carolyn Boychak. Also to Edward Halaburda for his continued work with the upkeep of the parish cemetery.

The rectory kitchen has a new countertop, the cabinets have been repaired and the plumbing and drainage system has been redone. A new computer system and leather chair was purchased for the office. New drapes and curtains were handmade and installed. The rugs throughout the rectory have been thoroughly steamed cleaned. The concession stand is fully operational. The rear of the church is in the process of getting a badly needed fresh coating of paint.

Even with the added responsibilities of caring for their new baby Victoria, Father Robert and Joanna found the time to create a beautiful flower bed between the back rectory porch and the garage. As if that wasn’t enough, they also planted a large vegetable garden on the opposite side of the garage with tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, and more.

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